Biopsies and cell culture, respectively, of four human glioblastoma multiforme (WHO 4) have been evaluated for gene amplification using reverse chromosome painting. Three of the tumours showed amplified domains within chromosome bands 12q13-15. The exact localisation and extension of the amplified domains, however, varies within this region. Southern blot analysis revealed amplification of the GLI oncogene in two of the glioblastomas which were found to contain amplified domains within 12q13-15. Reverse chromosome painting also identified amplified domains within bands 7q21 and 9p23-24. Amplification within region 9p23-24 has previously not been reported in glioblastoma. The amplified domain encompassing 9p23-24 was detected in the same glioblastoma which contained an amplification unit within bands 12q13-14. These data, together with previous reports, indicate that amplifications are predominantly found on chromosomes 7, 9 and 12 in glioblastoma. In addition, this study provides further evidence that coamplification is not a rare event in glioblastoma.