Objective: To evaluate whether fine-needle aspiration cytology of the testis can be considered as a diagnostic parameter in the evaluation of male infertility.
Patients and methods: We studied 30 oligospermic and 18 azoospermic patients using 63 fine-needle aspiration samples and 57 biopsy samples obtained surgically (10 cases) or with a spring-loaded biopsy device (47 cases). Cytologic evaluation of spermatogenesis was performed by studying longitudinal segments of seminiferous tubules and cytocentrifuged dissociated cells.
Results: Comparison between fine-needle aspiration and the biopsy methods gave concordant results in 72.2% of cases. Discordant findings were recorded in 10 cases (27.8%). In eight cases, significant maturation into spermatozoa was recognized in samples obtained by fine-needle aspiration only, whereas moderate to severe hypospermatogenesis or germ cell aplasia were demonstrated in samples obtained by the spring-loaded biopsy device or by open surgical biopsy. Germ cell aplasia was recognized in samples obtained by both methods in 75.0% of cases. Insufficient specimens were obtained by fine-needle aspiration and the spring-loaded biopsy device in 15.9% and 12.3% of cases, respectively, whereas all surgical biopsy specimens were of good quality. Four bleeding episodes and one case of epididymitis were observed after use of the spring-loaded biopsy device, but no complication was related to either surgical biopsy or fine-needle aspiration.
Conclusion: The findings show that fine-needle aspiration cytology could represent a more reliable means of identifying significant numbers of the most mature germ cells.