Chromosomes from a normal 23-year-old, primigravid woman were examined at 10 weeks of gestation because of her mother's history: 8 miscarriages and two liveborn infants (the proposita and a brother who died at 3 days with multiple anomalies). Karyotypes of the proposita and her normal mother were 45,XX,t(13q13q). No evidence of mosaicism was encountered. When the proposita inherited the t(13q13q), she received two copies of 13q from her mother. Moreover, she and her mother shared the same homozygous pattern of alleles from 7 highly polymorphic microsatellite repeats localized along 13q. No evidence of paternal markers from 13 was detected, although biparental inheritance was demonstrated with DNA markers from chromosomes 2 and 17. Cytogenetic and molecular findings indicated that the proposita's chromosomal complement included mUPD 13q. The proposita's normal phenotype suggested that no maternally imprinted genes map to 13q.