From November 1984 to December 1993, 72 patients with newly diagnosed, stage C or D prostate cancer were treated with chemohormonal therapy consisting of CDDP, CPM, diethylstilbestrol diphosphate and orchiectomy. Forty-four of 72 patients (61%) had partial response 3 months after the initiation of the treatment. A good response rate was observed in prostate gland and tumor markers (63% and 81%), but the response rate was poor in bone and other soft tissure metastasis (17% and 18%). Subjective symptoms improved in 82% of the pain, 70% of the infravesical obstruction, 65% of the performance status, and 5% of the body weight. The 5-year survival rate was 66%. The prognosis of the patients with poorly differentiated carcinoma or high Gleason score tumor was poor. Survival rate was no different between stage C and D. Relapse occurred in 16 patients (22%) and tended to occur in the patients with poorly differentiated carcinoma, high Gleason score tumor, stage D2 or stable disease. The survival rate was better, and the relapse rate lower than in the 35 patients with hormonal treatment alone during the same period, but no significant difference was observed between the two groups.