Caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase (CAOMT) and caffeoyl-coenzyme A 3-O-methyltransferase (CCoAOMT) are involved in different methylation pathways in lignin biosynthesis. We previously showed that only the CCoAOMT was markedly induced during lignification in in vitro differentiating tracheary elements (TEs) of Zinnia elegans. To further examine the expression patterns of CAOMT in lignification, we isolated a cDNA clone for Zinnia CAOMT. RNA gel blot analysis showed that the expression of the CAOMT gene did not correlate well with lignification during in vitro TE differentiation from Zinnia-isolated mesophyll cells. Tissue-print hybridization showed that, in the young internodes, the CAOMT mRNA signal was much more evident in phloem fibers than in xylem, whereas the CCoAOMT mRNA signal was predominantly present in differentiating xylem regions. In the older internode, both the CAOMT and CCoAOMT mRNAs markedly accumulated in phloem fibers and differentiating xylem regions. Immunocytochemical localization showed that the CAOMT protein staining was much more evident in phloem fibers and xylem fibers than in xylem TEs. These results indicate that the expression of these two O-methyltransferases is differentially regulated during lignification in different cell types in Zinnia. We suggest that all the intermediates in the CAOMT-mediated methylation pathway might become substrates for the CCoAOMT-mediated methylation pathway after coenzyme A ligation when these two pathways occur in the same lignifying cell types.