After a remarkable improvement of the very poor prognosis of small cell lung cancer with very simple therapy such as iv and oral cyclophosphamide the role of oral therapy has become minimal. However, since more than a decade results of combination chemotherapy are at a plateau and it is necessary to reconsider the role of simple therapy in patients without the prospect of cure. Oral therapy might be worthwhile because it is probably less effecting the quality of life of the patient and makes it unnecessary to visit the hospital frequently. All drugs available for oral use with known activity against small cell lung cancer are reviewed. The best example of the success of oral therapy is etoposide, other candidates that need to be tested in a modern way are oral cyclophosphamide and hexamethylmelamine. New concepts of prolonged chemotherapy and dose-intensity are easier evaluated by using oral drugs. The discovery of the activity of prolonged oral etoposide is an excellent example how to test a new concept in a very simple way.