Editing of the complete coding region of cob transcripts from two genera of plants has been studied by cDNA sequence analysis. Eighteen and nine C residues are edited into U in the mitochondrial transcripts from wheat and potato respectively. Both systems share eight common editing sites; ten codons edited in wheat are "pre-edited" at the genomic level in potato, and one codon edited in potato is "pre-edited" in wheat. Most amino-acid modifications lead to hydrophobic residues and increase the homology between the COB polypeptides and the corresponding protein of other species. In two out of the nine potato cDNA clones, an additional C-to-T modification, which also leads to a change in the encoded amino acid, was identified. Heterogeneity observed at the carboxy-terminus of the COB open reading frame in Triticum aestivum and Triticum timopheevi is not corrected by editing.