Objectives: The ratio between free and total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in serum (F/T ratio) was shown to improve the differentiation between prostate carcinoma and benign conditions in selected series of patients. In this study the F/T ratio was analyzed for its ability to improve the specificity of total serum PSA, digital rectal examination (DRE), and transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) for the detection of prostate cancer in an unselected screening population of men identified in the Rotterdam population.
Methods: In 1726 men between 55 and 76 years old, 67 prostate carcinomas were detected by DRE, TRUS, and total serum PSA (Abbott IMx, Hybritech Tandem E). The DELFIA ProStatus PSA EQM and ProStatus PSA Free/Total assays (Wallac) were applied in retrospect to determine total and free serum PSA. Age, total prostate and inner zone volumes were taken into consideration.
Results: Sixty-seven carcinomas were detected, two by TRUS and three by DRE alone. Total serum PSA was the most important single predictor of prostate cancer, followed by DRE. The F/T ratio increased the specificity of total serum PSA in the PSA range between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/mL. However, this improved specificity was not significant, nor for gland volumes restricted to 50 mL or less.
Conclusions: The combination of total serum PSA and DRE remains the standard for detection of prostate carcinoma in a screening population. Their specificity may be improved minimally by the F/T ratio, but not significantly in a sample of 1726 screened men. The threshold of the F/T ratio, and the optimal PSA range for its application, remains to be assessed prospectively.