Gestosis index score at delivery was compared with factors reflecting the fetal development in a series of 95 patients with EPH-gestosis collected in Okayama University Medical School in 1975-1979. The prediction of small for date (SFD) was performed by means of multivariate analysis of 10 variables, i.e. gestosis index, maternal body weight, height, uterine fundal length, abdominal circumference, maternal age at delivery and urinary estriol within one week prior to delivery. The result was that gestosis index was as useful as uterine fundal length in predicting SFD. The more gestosis index score increased, the more markedly the fetal development ws disturbed. Especially in the cases with scoring above 4 and in those with hypertension and proteinuria, the incidence of SFD increased obviously. No correlation between gestosis index and neonatal asphyxia was noticed. From the growth pattern of uterine fundal length and BPD, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in pregnancy with EPH-gestosis occurred mainly within the third trimester of pregnancy. The functional development of the fetus with EPH-gestosis was evaluated with the use of urinary estriol level and fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring. In the cases with EPH-gestosis scoring above 4, extreme disturbance of functional development of the fetus was observed.