Five anti-gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) sera have been characterized against GRP, bombesin and related polypeptides spotted on cellulose acetate discs. Antibodies reacting with the C-terminal G-14 sequence of bombesin and the 19-27 sequence of GRP, were detected in all sera. Antibodies directed exclusively against the bombesin unrelated 1-17 sequence of GRP were found only in one serum (R-6902). With parallel immunohistochemical tests only the C-terminal immunoreactivity was detected in endocrine-paracrine cells of the chicken proventriculus, while both immunoreactivities were present in nerve fibres and a few nerve cell bodies of the mammalian gut. The distribution of GRP- and bombesin-like immunoreactive nerves in the gastric mucosa of both pyloric and oxyntic type the submucosal and myenteric plexus along the whole gastrointestinal wall and at sphincter regions is detailed.