The histologic and ultrastructural features of nephrogenic adenomas of the urinary bladder and urethra were studied in multiple specimens obtained from eight patients. Three of these were studied by indirect immunofluorescence for Tamm-Horsfall uromucoprotein. The lesions are uncommon benign metaplastic proliferations of urothelium, occurring most frequently in males as small cystic, papillary, or nodular masses and most often presenting with hematuria. Typically the metaplastic tubules resemble nephronic tubules. A florid atypical and pseudoinfiltrative proliferation of these tubules may led to an erroneous diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. Ultrastructural features of proximal convoluted tubules were identified in some of the tubules, but resemblance to specific segments of distal tubules was less certain. The ultrastructural features combined with the absence of Tamm-Horsfall protein in tubular lumina or cells suggest a mesonephric rather than metanephric homology. The lesions are appropriately treated by transurethral resection or fulguration, but persistent lesions were present in three patients up to 18 yeas after initial treatment.