This report describes 200 women in the childbearing age group with prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas treated by transsphenoidal microsurgery. There were 136 patients with microadenomas (10 mm or less in diameter), 30 with macroadenomas, 11 with invasive adenomas, and one with hyperplasia. The overall rate for postoperative normalization of serum prolactin was 57%, and it was 72% for those patients with microadenomas. Pregnancy was desired by 90 women, and 78 (84%) became pregnant, although 10 required postoperative bromocriptine to do so. Serious postoperative complications were rare, and produced no major morbidity. The results of surgery were most favorable in women with microadenomas and preoperative serum prolactin levels of 100 ng/ml or less.