From a series of 850 patients with head and neck carcinoma and subjected to lymph node dissection, 80 cases of recurrences in the neck have been collected. Postoperative radiotherapy was performed only in cases with metastatic extranodal spread. Of these recurrences, 56 occurred in the area of lymph node dissection, 7 were marginal and 17 were contralateral. The recurrences occurred prevalently in node-positive (N+) patients (70 of 80). The incidence of recurrences in the dissection area was 41.6% (25 of 60) in cases with metastatic extranodal spread, despite postoperative radiotherapy. The incidence of recurrences in cases with clinically evident metastases at the time of dissection but without extranodal spread and not subjected to postoperative radiotherapy was relatively high (24.1%, or 28 of 116). Since recurrences occurred, despite postoperative radiotherapy, in a relatively high percentage of cases with carcinoma of the oral floor and of the tongue (59.1% and 50%, respectively), it seems justifiable to perform preoperative radiation treatment in cases with clinically evident metastatic lymph nodes. As regards marginal recurrences, which all occurred in patients with carcinoma of the oral floor, it is considered sufficient to extend the surgical treatment to the subhyoid region. The high incidence of contralateral recurrences, which occurred mainly in patients with carcinoma of the larynx (13 of 17), shows the usefulness of radiation treatment of the contralateral region of the neck in these tumors, when dissection is limited to only one side of the neck.