The preparative aspects of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in immobilized pH gradients (IPG) have been investigated as a function of the following parameters: environmental ionic strength (I), gel geometry and shape of pH gradient. As model proteins, hemoglobin (Hb) A and a minor, glycosylated component (HbA1c), with a delta pI = 0.04 pH units, have been selected. The load capacity increases almost linearly, as a function of progressively higher I values, from 0.5 X up to 2 X molarity of buffering Immobiline (pK 7.0) to abruptly reach a plateau at 3 X concentration of buffering ion. The load capacity also increases almost linearly as a function of gel thickness from 1 to 5 mm, without apparently levelling off. When decreasing the pH interval from 1 pH unit (pH 6.8-7.8) to 1/2 pH unit (pH 7.05-7.55) the amount of protein loaded in the HbA zone could be increased by 40%. In 5 mm thick gels, at 2 X pK 7.0 Immobiline concentration, over a 1/2 pH unit span, up to 350 mg HbA (in a 12.5 X 11 cm gel) could be loaded in a single zone, the load limit of the system being around 45 mg protein/ml gel volume.