Soluble (free) and insoluble (IgG-bound) hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) activities in 1,33 M ammonium sulfate solution was evaluated serially in sera from 12 patients with acute type B hepatitis followed up to 60 days. In three cases preclinical sera were available. In patients who showed clinical and biochemical resolution of hepatitis within 60 days, HBeAg free was the prevalent form of circulating HBeAg during the incubation period of disease, then gradually shifting to the IgG-bound form at the onset of jaundice. Finally HBeAg-bound was no longer demonstrable, followed by detection of anti-HBe antibody. On the contrary, in all patients with unresolved hepatitis both HBeAg-free and HBeAg-bound were detected with prevalence of HBeAg-free ratio. These data suggest a striking correlation between synthesis of HBeAg and HBV replication and may indicate that HBeAg-free and IgG-bound ratio reflects the stage and prognosis of acute HBV infection.