59 patients affected by amenorrhea or anovulation, 37 of whom also with galactorrhea, and with hyperprolactinemia of unknown origin (idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, 24 patients) or due to a pituitary microadenoma (tumoral hyperprolactinemia, 35 patients) were treated with metergoline (4-12 mg/day) or with bromocriptine (2.5 to 10 mg/day) for 90 days. The effectiveness of the two treatments was assessed on clinical grounds and by evaluating at monthly intervals serum progesterone levels, during the presumed luteal phase, and serum prolactin levels. The success rate with the two drugs was superimposable in terms of disappearance of galactorrhea and return of menses, normalization of prolactin levels and induction of ovulation. Also the number of pregnancies obtained (7 with metergoline, 9 with bromocriptine) was similar. With both drugs, the majority of patients responded to the treatment within the first month.