By the aid of antigen inhalation challenge test 16 patients with precipitating antibodies to bird antigens (pigeons, hens, budgerigars) and the supposed diagnosis of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) were examined. Criterions for the evaluation of the objective parameters (FEV1, FVC, Ros, body-temperature, number of leukocytes) were established. The combination of objective parameters and subjective symptoms leads to the evaluation of the challenge test. Different types of bronchial response (monophasic and dual-responses) were observed after inhalation of antigens. In 7 cases the diagnosis of EAA was proved to be true according to the challenge test results. If there are no typical alterations in chest-x-rays and no alterations of ventilatory function, the antigen inhalation challenge test is the method of choice in the diagnosis of EAA.