A model of chronic pulmonary infection was used for studying cellular events in a sequential manner. In this model, agarose beads containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa were instilled endotracheally into cats. Nine cats were inoculated with agarose beads containing P. aeruginosa, and four others were inoculated with sterile beads. With a fiberoptic bronchoscope, bronchial washings were obtained biweekly for up to 30 weeks. The quantitative pulmonary inflammatory cell response and alveolar macrophage morphology of the animals exposed to P. aeruginosa were compared with those for the animals exposed to a chronic irritant (agarose beads). Bronchial washings of all animals before inoculation showed that 70 to 90% of the cells were macrophages. After inoculation with P. aeruginosa, a persistent inflammatory response was observed (60 to 70% granulocytes). In the sterile-bead-inoculated group, the response was less prominent (30 to 40% granulocytes). As early as 2 weeks after inoculation, alveolar macrophages from infected animals were larger and had cytoplasmic features that differed from those of controls. Electron microscope examination showed prominent surface alterations in alveolar macrophages from the infected cats. These alterations persisted from 2 to 12 weeks after infection. In animals inoculated with sterile beads, alveolar macrophages exhibited less extensive surface changes that had resolved by week 8. Histologically, chronic bronchiolitis and pneumonia were more severe in the infected animals than in controls. This model of chronic inflammation and macrophage stimulation, which is similar to the chronic pneumonia of cystic fibrosis, may be a useful approach to answer questions on the role of macrophage activation in chronic lung disease.