Previous calibration studies have shown a high interlaboratory variability in the potency of the proposed Office of Biologics (National Center for Drugs and Biologics, US-FDA) AHF standard relative to the 2nd International Standard for Factor VIII (Factor VIII:C) (WHO 73/552). This led to the formation of an Industry Collaborative Study group whose objective was to reduce the assay variability. The group, in collaboration with the Office of Biologics and the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK), designed a study based on a monographed one-stage assay protocol, which specified all materials, assay methods, equipment, dilution technique, reagents, assay order, and calculation methodology. All participants received common reagents and samples, with the exception of substrate plasma. It was felt that substrate plasma could not be a common reagent in a monographed assay. However, each laboratory prepared substrate plasma according to the protocol. All data were analyzed by an independent statistical staff. Preparations assayed included two 10-donor plasma pools, the 2nd International Standard for Factor VIII (WHO 73/552), the proposed OoB Lot A internal standard, the participants' own house standards, and commercial AHF concentrate material. The results show a statistically insignificant reduction in the interlaboratory variability, but intralaboratory consistency was generally maintained. The study shows that monographing an assay for Factor VIII.