A distinction can be made between invasive and non-invasive methods in myocardial scintigraphy. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy as an invasive procedure always requires catherization of the coronary arteries and can be performed only in conjunction with coronary arteririography. The technique of this type of myocardial scintigraphy is described in detail and an explanation given of the normal scintigram and the results obtainable by this method in cases of coronary heart disease. In particular, the possibilities of "doulbe-radionuclide" scintigraphy are discussed. The non-invasive methods serve either to image the still-viable myocardium (cold-spot technique) or for direct visualization of recently-infarcted myocardial tissue (hot-spot technique). The diagnostic importance of these procedures is stressed, especially dual radionuclide investigation of recent myocardial infarct with technetium and thallium.