Glioma 26 (G26) is a chemically induced ependymoblastoma of mouse. It was used through sub-cutaneous and/or intracranial injection in 7 experiences which showed that this experimental model was able to select drugs acting on intracranial tumors : nitrosourea (CCNU), VM 26, procarbazine (PCB). Combination chemotherapy (VM 26-CCNU ; VM 26 CCNU-PCB) was more active than monochemotherapy in 2 out of 3 experiences. It seems that the variability of the results is at least partly due to the important tumoral necrosis in tumors treated by combination chemotherapy and to technical problems. The latters can be avoided by the mechanical dispersion of tumor cells and by their injection through a stereotaxic frame. Selection of drugs is easier and cheaper to perform with G 26 than with other in vivo and in vitro experimental models. The main problem for all models remains their lack of specificity.