With the development of genome sequencing technologies, the amount of data produced has greatly increased in the last two decades. The abundance of digital sequence information (DSI) has provided research opportunities, improved our understanding of the genome, and led to the discovery of new solutions in industry and medicine. It has also posed certain challenges, i.e., how to store and handle such amounts of data. This, coupled with the need for convenience, international cooperation, and the possibility of independent validation, has led to the establishment of numerous databases. Spearheaded with the idea that data obtained with public funds should be available to the public, open access has become the predominant mode of accession. However, the increasing popularity of commercial genetic tests brings back the topic of data misuse, and patient's privacy. At the previous United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15, 2022), an issue of the least-developed countries exploiting their natural resources while providing DSI and the most-developed countries benefitting from this was raised. It has been proposed that financial renumeration for the data could help protect biodiversity. With the goal of introducing the topic to those interested in utilizing biological databases, in this publication, we present the history behind the biological databases, their necessity in today's scientific world, and the issues that concern them and their content, while providing scientific and policy context in relation to United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16, 21.10-1.11.24).
Keywords: COP16; DNA; DSI; biological databases; genome.