Eloquent brain creates a challenge when resecting brain arteriovenous malformations (bAVMs). Here the authors present their technique of using subcortical motor mapping as an adjunct to increase safety during resection of a high-grade bAVM involving somatosensory cortex as well as cortical spinal tracts and visual tracts. After a bilateral craniotomy, they use direct cortical stimulation of the left motor cortex and subcortical stimulation using a suction stimulator to dynamically map motor tracts during the resection. They get within 3 mm of the corticospinal tracts by stimulation. The video can be found here: https://stream.cadmore.media/r10.3171/2024.10.FOCVID24107.
Keywords: arteriovenous malformation; bilateral interhemispheric; brain AVM; cerebrovascular; hemorrhagic stroke; neurophysiology; subcortical mapping.
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