Stochastic neurons are extremely efficient hardware for solving a large class of problems and usually come in two varieties - "binary" where the neuronal state varies randomly between two values of ±1 and "analog" where the neuronal state can randomly assume any value between -1 and +1. Both have their uses in neuromorphic computing and both can be implemented with low- or zero-energy-barrier nanomagnets whose random magnetization orientations in the presence of thermal noise encode the binary or analog state variables. In between these two classes is n-ary stochastic neurons, mainly ternary stochastic neurons (TSN) whose state randomly assumes one of three values (-1, 0, +1), which have proved to be efficient in pattern classification tasks such as recognizing handwritten digits from the MNIST data set or patterns from the CIFAR-10 data set. Here, we show how to implement a TSN with a zero-energy-barrier (shape isotropic) magnetostrictive nanomagnet subjected to uniaxial strain.
Keywords: activation function; magnetostriction; ternary stochastic neuron; zero-energy-barrier nanomagnet.
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