Modeling in Nursing: A Handbook Template for Professional Identity in Schools of Nursing

J Nurs Educ. 2025 Jan 21:1-4. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20240826-01. Online ahead of print.


Background: The Professional Identity in Nursing Initiative began in 2018 to explore how concepts and language regarding professional identity formation could positively affect nursing education, practice, and regulation. In 2023, faculty from two nursing schools used the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing (ISPIN) definitions and domains to incorporate professional identity in nursing language in a template for a nursing student handbook.

Method: Faculty evaluated the professional identity in nursing model and replaced the framework for professionalism in the school of nursing's handbook.

Results: The revised handbook has become an easy-to-understand roadmap for faculty and provides clarity for students. Faculty reported positive feedback after integrating the framework into the handbook and throughout the nursing curriculum.

Conclusion: This template can serve as a practical tool for schools of nursing to promote concepts of professional identity in nursing in their handbooks and throughout the nursing curriculum. [J Nurs Educ. 2025;64(X):XXX-XXX.].