MALDI-MSI: A potential game changer in forensic sciences

Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2025 Jan 14. doi: 10.1007/s12024-024-00911-7. Online ahead of print.


Matrix-assisted laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MALDI MSI) is an analytical technique used for the spatial mapping of drugs, explosives, and organic samples, making it a game-changer in Forensic examination. It detects a wide range of biomolecules in their native state without specific tags, antibodies, labels, and dyes. This review aims to highlight the advancement of MALDI-MSI over time and its impact on Forensic Science due to high-resolution molecular imaging. To foster the development of forensic investigations the utility of MALDI-MSI in six different broad areas, Latent Fingerprinting division, forensic toxicology division, Crime Scene Reconstruction and investigation division, Sex crimes, forensic trichology division, question document analysis, is explored in this review. MALDI-MSI possesses a unique strength of molecular imaging of biomolecules without complex preparation from diverse sample types. In the future, the sensitivity and detection limits of MALDI-MSI can be enhanced and its instrumental size should be reduced to perform on-site investigation.

Keywords: Finger printing and MALDI MSI; Forensic proteomics and MALDI MSI; Hair examination and MALDI MSI; MALDI MSI in forensics; Toxicological analysis with MALDI MSI; Variants of MALDI.

Publication types

  • Review