This article evaluated different production strategies, characteristics, and applications of biochar for ameliorating soil fertility and microbial diversity. The biochar production techniques are evolving, indicating that newer methods (including hydrothermal and retort carbonization) operate with minimum temperatures, yet resulting in high yields with significant improvements in different properties, including heating value, oxygen functionality, and carbon content, compared to the traditional methods. It has been found that the temperature, feedstock type, and moisture content play critical roles in the fabrication process. The alkaline nature of biochar is attributed to surface functional groups and addresses soil acidity issues. The porous structure and oxygen-containing functional groups contribute to soil microbial adhesion, affecting soil health and nutrient availability, improving plant root morphology, photosynthetic pigments, enzyme activities, and growth even under salinity stress conditions. The review underscores the potential of biochar to address diverse agricultural challenges, emphasizing the need for further research and application-specific considerations.
Keywords: Soil biology; Soil ecology; Soil science.
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