While inputs regulating CD4 + T helper cell (Th) differentiation are well-defined, the integration of downstream signaling with transcriptional and epigenetic programs that define Th-lineage identity remain unresolved. PI3K signaling is a critical regulator of T cell function; activating mutations affecting PI3Kδ result in an immunodeficiency with multiple T cell defects. Using mice expressing activated-PI3Kδ, we found aberrant expression of proinflammatory Th1-signature genes under Th2-inducing conditions, both in vivo and in vitro . This dysregulation was driven by a robust PI3Kδ-IL-2-Foxo1 signaling loop, fueling Foxo1-inactivation, loss of Th2-lineage restriction, altered chromatin accessibility and global impairment of CTCF-DNA interactions. Surprisingly, ablation of Fasl , a Foxo1-repressed gene, restored normal Th2 differentiation, TCR signaling and CTCF expression. BioID revealed Fas interactions with TCR- signaling components, which were supported by Fas-mediated potentiation of TCR signaling. Our results highlight Fas-FasL signaling as a critical intermediate in phenotypes driven by activated-PI3Kδ, thereby linking two key pathways of immune dysregulation.