Background: Tumor organoid and tumor-on-chip (ToC) platforms replicate aspects of the anatomical and physiological states of tumors. They, therefore, serve as models for investigating tumor microenvironments, metastasis, and immune interactions, especially for precision drug testing. To map the changing research diversity and focus in this field, we performed a quality-controlled text analysis of categorized academic publications and clinical studies. Methods: Previously, we collected metadata of academic publications on organoids or organ-on-chip platforms from PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, and bioRxiv, published between January 2011 and June 2023. Here, we selected documents from this metadata corpus that were computationally determined as relevant to tumor research and analyzed them using an in-house text analysis algorithm. Additionally, we collected and analyzed metadata from of clinical studies related to tumor organoids or ToC as of March 2023. Results and Discussion: From 3551 academic publications and 139 clinical trials, we identified 55 and 24 tumor classes modeled as tumor organoids and ToC models, respectively. The research was particularly active in neural and hepatic/pancreatic tumor organoids, as well as gastrointestinal, neural, and reproductive ToC models. Comparative analysis with cancer statistics showed that lung, lymphatic, and cervical tumors were under-represented in tumor organoid research. Our findings also illustrate varied research topics, including tumor physiology, therapeutic approaches, immune cell involvement, and analytical techniques. Mapping the research geographically highlighted the focus on colorectal cancer research in the Netherlands, though overall the specific research focus of countries did not reflect regional cancer prevalence. These insights not only map the current research landscape but also indicate potential new directions in tumor model research.
Keywords: microphysiological systems; text mining; tumor organoid; tumor-on-chip platforms.