Knowledge of variations of the testicular vessels is essential for urologists, radiologists, and surgeons in general, as iatrogenic injuries of these vessels may affect the spermatogenesis severely. Though variations of testicular vessels are common, combined variations of these vessels are rare. We observed concurrent variations of left testicular vessels in an adult cadaver aged 70 years. There were two gonadal arteries on the left side, both of which arose from the abdominal aorta. The superior one among them hooked around the left renal vein and the left suprarenal veins. There were three testicular veins at the deep inguinal ring, but they formed a plexus of veins at the posterior abdominal wall, which reduced into two veins. These two testicular veins terminated into the left renal vein independently. The deep inguinal ring was congested with the presence of five vessels. This variation could increase the possibility of varicocele.
Keywords: Artery; Gonadal disorder; Testicle; Varicocele; Veins.