In this study, we focused on the bedrock-dependent effects of climate change on terricolous lichen communities along elevational gradients in the Alps. In particular, we contrasted between carbonatic and siliceous bedrock, hypothesizing more favourable conditions on siliceous than on carbonatic bedrock, where dryer conditions may exacerbate the effects of climate change. To test this hypothesis, we compared terricolous lichen diversity patterns between the two bedrock types in terms of (1) species richness, (2) beta-diversity, (3) proportion of cryophilous species, and (4) functional diversity, also testing the effect of the elevational gradient as a proxy for expected climate warming. Our results indicate that the most cold-adapted part of the terricolus lichen biota of the Alps could be especially threatened in the near future, mainly on carbonatic bedrock. Actually, contrasting diversity patterns were found between carbonatic and siliceous bedrock, clearly revealing a bedrock-dependent effect of climate change on terricolous lichens of the Alps. As hypothesized, siliceous bedrock hosts a richer lichen biota than carbonatic bedrock, reflecting a general richness pattern at the national level. In general, siliceous bedrock seems to be less prone to rapid pauperization of its lichen biota, providing more suitable climatic refugia that can mitigate the effects of climate warming on terricolous lichens.
Keywords: Dolomites; Rhaetian Alps; beta-diversity; climate change; cryophylous species; functional diversity; species richness; terricolous lichens.