The number of authorized genetically modified (GM) soybeans has increased worldwide. In Japan, 34 GM soybeans containing single events and their stacked varieties have been approved as food. However, not all approved GM events are commercially cultivated or distributed. In this study, we evaluated domestically distributed samples from the United States (US) and Canada using 17 event-specific detection methods for GM soybeans. Identity-preserved (IP) soybean samples imported from the US and Canada, and non-IP samples from the US in 2021 and 2022 were analyzed. Four GM soybean events consisting of MON89788, A5547-127, MON87708, and DAS-44406 were detected in all lots in the non-IP samples. Furthermore, a single-kernel-based analysis was conducted to determine whether the detected GM soybean events are stacked. The results suggest that DAS-44406 is rapidly increasing, particularly as a single event among GM soybeans.
Keywords: Distribution; event; genetically modified (GM); soybean; stacked variety.