Psychometric Validation of the Slovenian Version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale - Child and Parent Versions (RCADS and RCADS-P)

Zdr Varst. 2024 Sep 23;63(4):164-171. doi: 10.2478/sjph-2024-0022. eCollection 2024 Dec.


Objective: Anxiety and depression are common disorders in children and adolescents and can have a negative impact on their lives. The Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale - Child and Parent versions (RCADS and RCADS-P) are widely used standardized measurement tools, but the Slovenian versions have not yet been validated. The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Slovenian version of RCADS and RCADS-P in a representative Slovenian school sample.

Methods: We examined the psychometric properties (factor structure, internal reliability, short-term stability, inter-rater agreement and convergent validity) of the Slovenian version of the RCADS and the RCADS-P in 754 primary and secondary school students and parents of 485 students. The short-term stability of anxiety and depressive symptoms in youth was assessed in a subsample of 117 children and adolescents.

Results: Confirmatory factor analysis showed an acceptable fit of the 6-factor model with CFI=0.92, TLI=0.92 and RMSEA=0.056 for RCADS and with CFI=0.93, TLI=0.92 and RMSEA=0.047 for RCADS-P. Cronbach's α and McDonald's ω ranged from 0.70 to 0.95 for the total scale and the six subscales. The subscales correlated significantly positively with the total Child Anxiety Life Interference Scale score.

Conclusion: The results affirm the good psychometric properties of the Slovenian versions of RCADS and RCADS-P within a school-based sample. There is a need in the future to examine psychometric properties in clinical samples and to provide normative data.

Namen: Anksiozne motnje in depresija sodijo med pogostejše težave z duševnim zdravjem pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Revidirana lestvica anksioznosti in depresivnosti za otroke – oblika za otroke (RCADS) in starše (RCADS-P) je v svetu pogosto uporabljen, standardiziran merski pripomoček za ocenjevanje anksioznosti in depresivnosti pri otrocih in mladostnikih, ki pa v Sloveniji še ni bil psihometrično preverjen. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti psihometrične značilnosti slovenske oblike lestvic RCADS in RCADS-P na reprezentativnem vzorcu slovenskih osnovnošolcev in srednješolcev.

Metoda: Na vzorcu 754 otrok in mladostnikov ter 485 staršev smo preučevali psihometrične značilnosti (faktorsko strukturo vprašalnika, notranjo zanesljivost, kratkoročno stabilnost – retestno zanesljivost, strinjanje med ocenjevalci in konvergentno veljavnost) slovenske oblike vprašalnikov RCADS in RCADS-P. Kratkoročna stabilnost anksioznih in depresivnih simptomov je bila ocenjena v podvzorcu 117 otrok in mladostnikov.

Rezultati: Konfirmatorna faktorska analiza je pokazala sprejemljivo ustreznost šest-faktorskega modela z indeksi prileganja CFI = 0,92, TLI = 0,92 in RMSEA = 0,056 za obliko za otroke in mladostnike (RCADS), ter z indeksi prileganja CFI = 0,93, TLI = 0,92 in RMSEA = 0,047 za obliko za starše (RCADS-P). Koeficienti notranje zanesljivosti (Cronbachova α in McDonaldova ω) so se gibali med 0,70 in 0,95 za celotno lestvico in podlestvice. Podlestvice so bile pomembno pozitivno povezane s skupnim rezultatom lestvice CALIS, ki ocenjuje vpliv tesnobe na življenje otrok, mladostnikov in njihovih staršev.

Zaključek: Rezultati potrjujejo ustrezne psihometrične lastnosti slovenskih oblik lestvic RCADS in RCADS-P pri šolskem vzorcu otrok in mladostnikov. V prihodnosti bi bilo potrebno lestvici preveriti tudi pri kliničnih vzorcih otrok ter zagotoviti normativne podatke za rabo lestvic.

Keywords: Adolescents; Anxiety; Children; Depression; Psychometric; RCADS; RCADS-P; anksiozne motnje; depresije; mladostniki; otroci; properties; psihometrične lastnosti.