The Development of Legal Rights for Intersex Persons: Part I: The Diversity of Intersex Conditions

Behav Sci Law. 2024 Dec 22. doi: 10.1002/bsl.2705. Online ahead of print.


As the nature of transgender condition becomes better understood and the legal rights of transgender individuals are defined through court decisions and legislation, intersexuality ought not be overlooked. Potential commonalities as well as differences between intersexual and transgender individuals, clinically and psychosexually, may be mutually informing and relevant to their legal rights in ways that could implicate mental health services. In this review, the concepts of intersexuality and Disorders of Sexual Development are defined followed by a brief synopsis of the evolution of ancient conception of hermaphroditism into the vastly heterogenous biological conditions of today referred to as DSDs. A growing corpus of scholarly literature today argues that intersex persons should be regarded as having diverse sexual characteristics and as not disordered. Nonetheless, various conditions require understanding if the intersex person is to make informed decisions and if health providers are to recognize those conditions that constitute medical emergencies. This review and analysis compares intersex with transgender persons and provides current clinical and scientific knowledge as essential background for Part II, our following article on the advancement of legal rights of intersex persons.