An ever-increasing number of workplaces are becoming heat-exposed due to rising temperature extremes. However, a comprehensive review of Canadian safety materials available to support workplaces in managing this critical hazard has not previously been conducted. We undertook a review and a content analysis of heat stress materials on safety-based ministry, association, and agency websites in Canada (n = 155) to identify content related to heat stress (n = 595). Each document was qualitatively analyzed using NVivo. The most dominant components identified were heat stress control measures (n = 492, 83%), training and education (n = 414, 70%), workplaces and workers at risk (n = 361, 61%), exposure limits and monitoring practices (n = 344, 58%), and emergency response and reporting (n = 249, 42%). However, the content within these programming components was highly variable. While we found that organizations across Canada provide heat stress content, there was evidence of inconsistencies and considerable gaps in the availability of material and the strategies presented to control the critical risk posed by heat.
Keywords: climate change; heat strain; heat stress management; heat-illness; risk management; workplace safety.