The Asst Valcamonica faces significant challenges in providing continuity of care services due to a shortage of medical personnel, exacerbated by its location in a mountainous area and the seasonal variability of tourism. To address these needs, a temporary nursing-run clinic was developed, aimed at providing healthcare to tourists, particularly during August 2023. The Family and Community Nurse (IFeC) plays a crucial role in primary care, working in synergy with remote medical consultations to ensure an integrated care model; provide first-level healthcare during peak tourist periods. And experiment with a network organizational model with nursing management and teleconsultation between nurse and physician. The project was implemented from 7 to 25 August 2023, with an organizational network that included a nursing clinic managed by an IFeC at the Community House of Ponte di Legno, and the collaboration with the Integrated Medical Center of the Regional Emergency Agency for remote medical consultations. The service operated from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 17:00. During the activation period, there were 186 visits recorded. Of these, 87 were requests for information and 99 were requests for services. 86% of nursing management was deemed sufficient. Only 3% required a teleconsultation with the CMI physician, while 10% were directed to the Emergency Room. The nursing clinic model could be replicated in other Community Houses with high tourist influx. The implementation of a system based on nursing triage and teleconsultation could enhance assistance in both Tourist Continuity of Care and Primary Care.