1 Department of Epidemiology (J.P., M.K., M.K.I., M.A.I., D.B., M.J.G.L.), Erasmus Medical Center-University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
2 Department of Neurology (M.K.I.), Erasmus Medical Center-University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
3 Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (D.B., M.J.G.L.), Erasmus Medical Center-University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
4 Department of Neuroscience, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (D.B.).
5 Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Harvard Tseng-Hsi Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA (D.B.).
6 Department of Cardiology (M.J.G.L.), Erasmus Medical Center-University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands.