The full information about the interaction between a quantum emitter and an arbitrary electromagnetic environment is encoded in the so-called spectral density. We present an approach for describing such interaction in any coupling regime, providing a Lindblad-like master equation for the emitter dynamics when coupled to a general nanophotonic structure. Our framework is based on the splitting of the spectral density into two terms. On the one hand, a spectral density responsible for the non-Markovian and strong-coupling-based dynamics of the quantum emitter. On the other hand, a residual spectral density including the remaining weak-coupling terms. The former is treated nonperturbatively with a collection of lossy interacting discrete modes whose parameters are determined by a fit to the original spectral density in a frequency region encompassing the quantum emitter transition frequencies. The latter is treated perturbatively under a Markovian approximation. We illustrate the power and validity of our approach through numerical simulations in three different setups, thus offering a variety of scenarios for a full test, including the ultra-strong coupling regime.
Keywords: quantum nanophotonics; subwavelength cavity-QED.
© 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.