Introduction: obesity is a condition that increases the risk of presenting other non-communicable diseases, reducing life expectancy and quality of life in individuals. Its development involves a complex interaction of several factors, the main ones being inadequate food intake and lack of physical activity.
Objective: to design and validate a tool to identify eating habits, physical activity and emotional state in adolescents.
Methods: an observational study was carried out in 2 instances design and validation, using the Delphi method, taking as a basis for its design the 7 stages proposed by Sampieri. The design, based on the systematic review of the literature, was proposed by the coordinating group. Validation was carried out in 2 phases: the first by means of the criteria of judges, with the participation of 17 experts who evaluated the wording and relevance of each item, and the second by means of statistical analysis estimating the Aiken V coefficient, binomial tests, Cronbach's Alpha and McDonald's Omega. It was applied to a sample of 673 adolescents from the southern area of the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Results: an instrument composed of 46 items in 3 dimensions was obtained. In the validation, binomial tests were estimated, showing a significance of 0.000, which indicates that the questions are correlated. Likewise, the Aiken V coefficient was estimated for all the items, which presented a value > 0.7, establishing adequate content validity for each one of them. Finally, the reliability tests estimated by means of Cronbach's Alpha and McDonald's Omega obtained an overall value of 0.777, which indicates that the instrument is reproducible and consistent.
Conclusions: the tool generated presented validity and reliability indicating that it is suitable for its application in the assessment of risk in healthy habits of adolescents (diet and physical activity) and of alteration in their emotional state.