Primary Leiomyosarcoma of the Distal Ulna: A Case Report

J Orthop Case Rep. 2024 Dec;14(12):170-173. doi: 10.13107/jocr.2024.v14.i12.5062.


Introduction: Primary leiomyosarcoma affecting the bone is an uncommon destructive tumor that primarily affects the elderly. If leiomyosarcoma is discovered in bone, it should be explored as a possible metastasis from a distant tumor. Surgical excision with broad margins is used as therapy.

Case report: A 50-year-old man reported to outpatient department with a 5-month chief complaint of a painful mass involving his left carpus that had grown. No history of trauma was present. Examination demonstrated a painful restriction of wrist motions, and ill-defined, immobile, tender hard mass measuring 5 × 3 cm along the ulnar border of the left wrist. All necessary investigations were done and were diagnosed as primary leiomyosarcoma of the distal ulna. Patient was managed surgically with resection with wide en bloc resection with a margin of at least 2 mm around the tumor and radioulnar stabilization with the help of 1 K-wire (2.5 mm). Post-operative period was uneventful.

Conclusion: Osseous leiomyosarcoma is an uncommon tumor, it should be evaluated in the diagnosis of any solely lytic aggressive osseous lesion in a middle age, Furthermore, the existence of extraosseous main lesions should be ruled out for its diagnosis. At present, surgery is the most effective therapy option.

Keywords: Pleomorphic sarcoma; leiomyosarcoma; ulna; wide resection.

Publication types

  • Case Reports