The Health and Health-Related Quality of Life Impacts of Having a Sibling on Probation or Parole in the United States: A Focused Ethnography

ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2024 Nov 5. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000548. Online ahead of print.


In this study, we explored the experiences of adult siblings of brothers who have been on probation or parole and the impacts on the participants' health and health-related quality of life. We conducted semi-structured interviews and focused field observations of 8 adult siblings. The major themes were siblings being primary support providers, feelings of existing in a perpetual state of unknown, and perceived needs and resources. These themes reflected the types of support that participants provided; the associated strains and instability perpetuated by the criminal legal system; and the perceived resources needed to mitigate the negative impacts of participants' experiences.