Localized Boron Sites in Large Pore Borosilicate Zeolite EMM-59 Determined by Electron Crystallography

J Am Chem Soc. 2024 Dec 18;146(50):34916-34923. doi: 10.1021/jacs.4c14478. Epub 2024 Dec 9.


The structure of novel large pore borosilicate zeolite EMM-59 (|C19H42N2|8[B5.2Si218.8O448]) with localized framework boron sites was determined by using three-dimensional electron diffraction (3D ED) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging. EMM-59 was synthesized using 2,2-(cyclopentane-1,1-diyl)bis(N,N-diethyl-N-methylethan-1-aminium) as an organic structure-directing agent (OSDA). The framework has a three-dimensional intersecting channel system delimited by 12 × 10 × 10-ring openings and contains 28 T and 60 oxygen atoms in the asymmetric unit, making it the most complex monoclinic zeolite. The 3D ED data collected from as-made EMM-59 under cryogenic conditions revealed three symmetry-independent locations of the OSDAs, and STEM imaging showed that the OSDAs are flexible and adopt different molecular conformations in channels with identical structural environments. The framework boron atoms were exclusively found in T-sites of 4-rings, especially those shared by multiple 4-rings. The tetrahedral BO4 with the highest boron content (38.6%) was transformed into a trigonal BO3 after the OSDAs were removed upon calcination. Its location and boron content could also be identified by STEM imaging.