Background: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the main causes of disability and need for rehabilitation services. It is necessary to have a better understanding about the association of sociodemographic factors with the disability related to individuals with LBP.
Objective: Assess the prevalence of LBP and its association with capacity, performance, and sociodemographic variables in Chilean population.
Methods: Cross-sectional study was performed with data from the population survey from Chile, 2015. People over 17 years old were selected for the analysis (n = 12,265 people). The variables chosen were: presence of LBP, place of living in Chile, sex, age, marital status, education, income, work status, and type of home. Capacity and performance levels were assessed by the Model Disability Survey. The population characteristics, performance, and capacity values were presented through means or frequencies. A generalized linear model with logarithmic linkage and gamma distribution was employed to assess the associations between the explanatory variables and the outcomes, considering the distribution of the variables, while adjusting for all study variables.
Results: 22 % of the population reported having LBP. People with LBP had worse levels of capacity and performance. Being female, older age, having worse education level, and worse health classification, were factors associated with worse capacity and performance in those with LBP. Conversely, being employed in the last week was correlated with improved capacity in this group.
Conclusion: Individuals with LBP demonstrated poorer capacity and performance outcomes, with sociodemographic variables influencing their functioning.
Keywords: Chile; Disability and health; Health status indicators; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; Low back pain.
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