Microresonator frequency comb based high-speed transmission of intensity modulated direct detection data

Nanophotonics. 2022 Jun 16;11(14):3269-3280. doi: 10.1515/nanoph-2022-0134. eCollection 2022 Jul.


Globally, the long-haul transmission of ultra-high bandwidth data is enabled through coherent communications. Driven by the rapid pace of growth in interconnectivity over the last decade, long-haul data transmission has reached capacities on the order of tens to hundreds of terabits per second, over fiber reaches which may span thousands of kilometers. Data center communications operate in regimes featuring shorter reaches and higher cost sensitivity. While integrated microresonator frequency combs are poised to revolutionize light sources used for high-speed data transmission over fiber, recent progress has focused largely on coherent detection schemes. Furthermore, though state-of-the-art intensity modulators are advancing in speed, it has not been demonstrated in the literature if microresonator-based comb lines can accommodate higher intensity modulated direction data (IMDD) line rates in tandem with these advancements. In this manuscript, we demonstrate the use of microresonator frequency combs pumped with a single laser for the transmission of high-speed IMDD data. We demonstrate error-free transmission of 30 Gbs-1 per comb non-return-to-zero data over fiber lengths of 6 km, as well as bit error rates under the forward error correction limit for propagation through 20 km of optical fiber. 60 Gbs-1 and 42 Gbs-1 pulse modulation amplitude 4 (PAM4) data modulated on each frequency comb line is further quantified to have a bit error rate under the forward error correction limit for fiber reaches of up to 6 km and 20 km respectively. The results showcase CMOS-compatible microresonator frequency comb modulated using IMDD formats as a promising technology for high-speed transmission in the data center transceiver industry.

Keywords: Kerr frequency comb; high-speed data transmission; intensity modulated direct detection; microresonator.