Distribution of keratin subtypes in the thymus of Japanese black calves during acute thymic involution

J Vet Med Sci. 2024 Dec 5. doi: 10.1292/jvms.24-0413. Online ahead of print.


Immunohistochemistry for keratins 5, 8, 14, and 18 was performed on Japanese Black calf thymuses at various stages of acute thymic involution. Keratins 5 and 14 were predominantly localized in the thymic medulla, while keratins 8 and 18 were broadly distributed throughout the parenchyma. Despite thymic involution, the distribution patterns of these keratins remained consistent. The cortical area, assessed by keratin 5 staining, progressively decreased with involution but retained approximately 40% of the total parenchyma even at the most severe stage. These results suggest that the thymic cortex shrinks but does not completely disappear during acute thymic involution in calves.

Keywords: acute thymic involution; calf; immunohistochemistry; keratin; thymic epithelium.