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Purpose: To efficiently complete Practice Advancement Initiative (PAI) 2030 self-assessments, students aimed to overcome completion barriers and collect data to identify areas for improvement with pharmacy practice in the state of North Dakota.
Summary: Pharmacy departments from hospitals and health systems face challenges when completing the self-assessment tool, and creativity must be kindled to develop an appropriate approach. Over the course of a 5-week advanced pharmacy practice experience rotation, 2 students generated an efficient, personal, and novel approach to completing the PAI 2030 self-assessment tool with pharmacy leaders across the state.
Conclusion: The novel student-led approach achieved a completion rate greater than the goal suggested by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists while providing the students with learning and networking opportunities. As a result, pharmacy leaders have baseline PAI 2030 self-assessment data for 26 hospitals across North Dakota, which can be used for further analysis and application.
Keywords: North Dakota; pharmacy; practice advancement; rural; state affiliate; students.
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