Hyperspectral acquisition with ScanImage at the single pixel level: application to time domain coherent Raman imaging

Opt Express. 2024 Oct 21;32(22):38849-38863. doi: 10.1364/OE.533880.


We present a comprehensive strategy and its practical implementation using the commercial ScanImage software platform to perform hyperspectral point scanning microscopy when a fast time-dependent signal varies at each pixel level. In the proposed acquisition scheme, the scan along the X-axis is slowed down while the data acquisition is maintained at a high pace to enable the rapid acquisition of the time-dependent signal at each pixel level. The ScanImage generated raw 2D images have a very asymmetric aspect ratio between X and Y, the X axis encoding both for space and time acquisition. The results are X-axis macro-pixel where the associated time-dependent signal is sampled to provide hyperspectral information. We exemplified the proposed hyperspectral scheme in the context of time-domain coherent Raman imaging, where a pump pulse impulsively excites molecular vibrations that are subsequently probed by a time-delayed probe pulse. In this case, the time-dependent signal is a fast acousto-optics delay line that can scan a delay of 4.5ps in 25μs at each pixel level. With this acquisition scheme, we demonstrate ultra-fast hyperspectral vibrational imaging in the low frequency range [10cm-1, 150 cm-1] over a 500 μm field of view (64 x 64 pixels) in 130ms (∼ 7.5 frames/s). The proposed acquisition scheme can be readily extended to other applications requiring the acquisition of a fast-evolving signal at each pixel level.