Applications of artificial intelligence to inherited retinal diseases: A systematic review

Surv Ophthalmol. 2025 Mar-Apr;70(2):255-264. doi: 10.1016/j.survophthal.2024.11.007. Epub 2024 Nov 19.


Artificial intelligence(AI)-based methods have been extensively used for the detection and management of various common retinal conditions, but their targeted development for inherited retinal diseases (IRD) is still nascent. In the context of limited availability of retinal subspecialists, genetic testing and genetic counseling, there is a high need for accurate and accessible diagnostic methods. The currently available AI studies, aiming for detection, classification, and prediction of IRD, remain mainly retrospective and include relatively limited numbers of patients due to their scarcity. We summarize the latest findings and clinical implications of machine-learning algorithms in IRD, highlighting the achievements and challenges of AI to assist ophthalmologists in their clinical practice.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Deep-learning; Inherited retinal diseases; Machine-learning; Retinal dystrophies; Retinitis pigmentosa.

Publication types

  • Systematic Review
  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence*
  • Humans
  • Machine Learning
  • Retinal Diseases* / congenital
  • Retinal Diseases* / diagnosis
  • Retinal Diseases* / genetics
  • Retinal Diseases* / therapy