The evolution of sex chromosomes can involve recombination suppression sometimes involving structural changes, such as inversions, allowing subsequent rearrangements, including inversions and gene transpositions. In the two major genus Salix clades, Salix and Vetrix, almost all species are dioecious, and sex-linked regions have evolved on chromosome 7 and 15, with either male or female heterogamety. We used chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) and PacBio HiFi (high-fidelity) reads to assemble chromosome-level, gap-free X and Y chromosomes from both clades, S. triandra (15XY system), a basal species in the Vetrix clade, and the Salix clade species S. mesnyi (7XY system). Combining these with other available genome assemblies, we found inversions within the sex-linked regions, which are likely to be pericentromeric and probably recombined rarely in the ancestral species, before sex-linkage evolved. The Y-linked regions in all 15XY and 7XY species include partial duplicates containing exon 1 of an ARR17-like gene similar to male-determining factors in other Salicaceae species. We also found duplicates of a Y-specific gene, which we named MSF. The derived Salix clade 7XY chromosome systems appear to have evolved when these two genes transposed from the 15Y to the 7Y. Additionally, the 7Y chromosomes in S. dunnii and S. chaenomeloides probably evolved from the ancestral 7X of the Salix clade, involving a similar transposition, and loss of the ancestral 7Y. We suggest that pericentromeric regions that recombine infrequently may facilitate the evolution of sex linkage.
Keywords: Salix; inversion; recombination landscape; transposition; turnover events.
© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.