Energy flow within cellular elements of the brain is a well-orchestrated, tightly regulated process, however, details underlying these functions at the single-cell level are still poorly understood. Studying hypometabolism in aging and neurodegenerative diseases may benefit from experimentation on unicellular bioenergetics. Here, we examined energy status in neurons and astrocytes using mixed hippocampal cultures and PercevalHR, an ATP:ADP nanosensor. We assessed exposures of several compounds including KCl, glutamate, FCCP, insulin, and glucose. A mitochondrial stress test was performed, and PercevalHR's fluorescence was corrected for pH using pHrodo. Results demonstrate that PercevalHR can reliably report on the energetic status of two cell types that communicate in a mixed-culture setting. While KCl, glutamate, and FCCP showed clear changes in PercevalHR fluorescence, insulin and glucose responses were found to be more subtle and sensitive to extracellular glucose. These results may highlight mechanisms that mediate insulin sensitivity in the brain.
Keywords: Cell biology; Metabolism.
© The Author(s) 2024.